
Showing posts from January, 2019

Type of join in SQL

What is SQL join? SQL join is a combination of data or records from two tables. A join also will locates related column values in the two tables. There are a several types of join that we can learn : 1) Inner Join  This type of join will select the matching values in both tables. Syntax for inner join SELECT column-names FROM table-name1 INNER JOIN table-name2 ON column-name1 = column-name2 WHERE condition 2) Left Join This join will select the first left-most table to be matching with the right table records. Syntax for left join SELECT column-names FROM table-name1 LEFT JOIN table-name2 ON column-name1 = column-name2 WHERE condition 3) Right Join This join will start by joining the second right-most table and matching with left table records. Syntax for right join SELECT column-names FROM table-name1 RIGHT JOIN table-name2 ON column-name1 = column-name2 WHERE condition


There are a few steps than we can follow tp push, pull, request merge when we work on GitLab : 1) Open your Sourcetree app and choose which branch and project you want to commit. 2) After that, you can choose which project and stage the project. 3) After stage the project, click the commit button. 4) After commit, now you can push your project to your remote. 5) Now, open your Gitlab and you can request merge. 6) After your merge request has been approved, you can go to your Sourcetree and push the latest project.

What is getnada?

Getnada is a services that can give u temporary email address. Usually, people will use this service to register into untrusted website or for testing purpose when we do some testing process. There are simple ways to create this temporary email : 1) Firstly, just go to 2) Go to "add inbox" button 3) Create your temporary email such as "". You can put any name for your temporary email. You can test this temporary email by send a real email. This temporary email will only save your message only 7 days.

How to clone project from GitLab using SSH key?

Why we need to clone project? This is because we want to get the syncronise coding with the other programmer. Basically, GitLab has their own basic command but to make our work become easier, we will use the tools which is "Sourcetree". Download Sourcetree here Before we start cloning the project, we must generate SSH key using command prompt. Below are the steps to generate SSH key : 1) Open your Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac/Linux) or Git Bash. 2) Paste the command below and use your Git email address  ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “” This command is use to generate new ssh key by using the provided email. 3)  When you’re prompted to “Enter a file in which to save the key,” press Enter. This will accept the default file location. Enter a file in which to save the key (/c/Users/you/.ssh/id_rsa):[Press enter] 4) At the prompt, type a secure passphrase. For more information, see “Working with SSH

MVC Concept

What is MVC? MVC or we can known as Model-View-Controller. MVC is a software architecture pattern which is commonly used for architecting web application.                     According to the above diagram, we can define this model as : - Model : it is use to define data structure. Most of developer use Model to make CRUD process. - View : it define how the app data should be display. This View will represent to the user. - Controller : it is use to control logic part t hat updates the model and/or view in response to input from the users of the app.

What is Git?

Git is a distributed version control   system for tracking changes in  source  code during software development. It also design to ccordinating work from among programmers and it also can detect and track any changes that occur in a set of file. There are some software or system that can be use to make this Git version control such as GitLab, GitHub, BitBucket and many more. So, today i will focus more on the usage of GitLab. Git Workflow Git Workflow is a recommendation for how to use Git to make our work accomplish in consistent and productive manner. There are some Git Workflow that we can use such as :  1) Centralized Workflow For this type of workflow, it just like SVN version control which is just use central repository to serve as single point-of-entry for all changes in the project. 2) Feature Branch Workflow For this type of workflow,  is that all feature development should take place in a dedicated branch instead of the mas
What is version control? Version Control Systems are process management systems which maintain changes recorded in a file or set of files over period of time. Each change is maintained as a version. Users can track specific versions later.  The various types of the version control systems are: 1. Local Version Control System Local version control system maintains track of files within the local system. This approach is very common and simple. This type is also error prone which means the chances of accidentally writing to the wrong file is higher. 2. Centralized Version Control System In this approach, all the changes in the files are tracked under the centralized server. The centralized server includes all the information of versioned files, and list of clients that check out files from that central place. Example: Tortoise SVN 3. Distributed Version Control System Distributed version control systems come into picture to overcome the drawba
What Is API? API or known as Application Programming Interface is a intermediate software which allow 2 applications communicate each other. API makes it easier to develop a program by providing building blocks.  When developers create code, they don’t often start from scratch. Fundamental to developer productivity is how  API   make often repeated yet complex processes highly reusable with a little bit of code. The speed that  API   enable developers to build out apps is crucial to the current pace of application development. Developers are now much more productive than they were before since they had to write a lot of code from scratch. With an API they don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time they write a new program. Instead, they can focus on the unique proposition of their applications while outsourcing all of the commodity functionality to APIs. How API Works? API works like a waiter which he/she is the intermediate person between customer and chef. He/She will ta
Lets Identify Our Rating As you can see above, there are five level of rating where each of them have its own class. So, here the class of the rating : - 1 = very low - 2 = low - 3 = meet the expection - 4 = good - 5 = outstanding We can describe the above as the example : Example 1 : Ali have an assignment which is he must settle task A, B and C. The due date of his assignment is Wednesday and he submit task A, B and C at Wednesday. Example 2 : Ahmad have an assignment which is he must settle task A, B and C. The due date of his assignment is Wednesday and he submit task A, B and C on Tuesday. Example 3 : Abu have an assignment which is he must settle task A, B and C. The due date of his assignment is Wednesday and he submit task A, B and C and he add task D and E on Monday. *So for the above situation we can conclude as Ali has meet the expectation, Ahmad is good and Abu is outstanding. EFFICIENT VS EFFECTIVE Efficient :  Performing or functi