What Is API?

API or known as Application Programming Interface is a intermediate software which allow 2 applications communicate each other. API makes it easier to develop a program by providing building blocks. When developers create code, they don’t often start from scratch. Fundamental to developer productivity is how API make often repeated yet complex processes highly reusable with a little bit of code. The speed that API enable developers to build out apps is crucial to the current pace of application development.
Developers are now much more productive than they were before since they had to write a lot of code from scratch. With an API they don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time they write a new program. Instead, they can focus on the unique proposition of their applications while outsourcing all of the commodity functionality to APIs.

How API Works?
API works like a waiter which he/she is the intermediate person between customer and chef. He/She will take order from the customer and give the order to the chef. After the food is ready, he/she will send to the customer. So this situation is just same like API. 
For the real life, when you search for flights online, you have a menu of options to choose from. You choose a departure city and date, a return city and date, cabin class, and other variables like your meal, your seat, or baggage requests.
To book your flight, you need to interact with the airline’s website to access the airline’s database to see if any seats are available on those dates, and what the cost might be based on the date, flight time, route popularity, etc.
You need access to that information from the airline’s database, whether you’re interacting with it from the website or an online travel service that aggregates information from multiple airlines. Alternatively, you might be accessing the information from a mobile phone. In any case, you need to get the information, and so the application must interact with the airline’s API, giving it access to the airline’s data.
The API is the interface that, like your helpful waiter, runs and delivers the data from the application you’re using to the airline’s systems over the Internet. It also then takes the airline’s response to your request and delivers right back to the travel application you’re using. Moreover, through each step of the process, it facilitates the interaction between the application and the airline’s systems – from seat selection to payment and booking.
APIs do the same for all interactions between applications, data, and devices. They allow the transmission of data from system to system, creating connectivity. APIs provide a standard way of accessing any application data, or device, whether it’s accessing cloud applications like Salesforce, or shopping from your mobile phone.


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